Lagos State BRT Buses-2

Lagos State BRT Buses. Part 2
To continue my story….

So two men were standing by the buses and I was careful not to include them in the picture. Privacy you know (lol) and well, my focus was the BRT bus itself.
Anyways, I took about two or three pictures then out of the blues I heard…
1st Man Standing: “hey you, why are you taking the pictures of the buses”
Me: “You say what?”
1st Man Standing: “You can’t take the pictures of buses. Delete them”?
Me: “Excuse me?”
1st Man Standing” “Yes, you heard me. Delete them. Who are you to be taking the pictures?”
At this point, I totally lost my cool.
Me: “And who are you to tell me not to take pictures of the Lagos State BRT Buses? Last time I checked your name ain’t on it”?
I ignored him and took another picture
Man Standing: “I say STOP!!!”
2nd Man Standing: “Hey gentleman (refering to me). Come here!
Me: “and do what?”
But anyways, seeing that he was elderly, I moved closer to him
Me: “Yes”?
2nd Man Standing: “You were told to stop snapping pictures but yet you continued. Why?”
I asked, “but why can’t I? Is it against the laws of the land to snap pictures of BRTs? Does the state government prohibit it?”

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The 1st man standing was busy asking the same question “who are you..bla bla bla…”
The situation was getting serious. Finger pointing, heavy grammar, arms word CHAOTIC!!!
My sister was on the phone relating the LIVE incident to my mum, she in turn was trying to calm me down. My brothers were ready to defend and fight for me. Not only that, even bystanders were wondering why are they giving me problem just because I snapped pictures of the BRT buses? A certain fellow came on the scene and said, “he guys, this guy has done nothing wrong. No need to disturb him. Stop the nonsense”
Just as he said that, another very fat man came (apparently, he runs the park) and was saying something like “DELETE THOSE PICTURES, else you wont leave this place”
I’m like, “you say wahhhhhh”
As I moved he grabbed me by my pants and jerked me up and believe you me, I was ready to cover his face with my fist cause I was (as you can imagine) in a RAGE!!! This one na real LAS-GIDI-GBA!
Luckily, my brothers intervened and thereafter it was pushing and shoving and shouting and screaming (even my sister was now in the thick of it. Oh how I love that girl.)
All request from the fat man and the security guards of the park to delete the pictures fell on deaf ears because I’d already determined in my mind that I wont and I was ready for anything to happen.
Well, nothing happened except that I told my brothers to go back to the queue, gave them their bus tickets and we boarded the bus to CMS.

To my dear readers and possibly Lagosians or anyone conversant with the law, I have some questions:
1. Is it against the law to take pictures of buses?
2. Was I in the wrong not to have deleted those pictures?
3. Why did the guys at the park behave that way?

They are actually nice buses. They remind me of the old LSTC Buses I rode to school back then…memories

Anyways, enjoy the pictures: ))
Lagos State Public Transport BRT

2 Comments on Lagos State BRT Buses-2

  1. lol very funny, but its Africa people take out their frustrations on others for no reason whatsoever

  2. It was a crazy day and just never expected that sort of reaction

    Glad it ended without ‘casualties ‘

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